Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My most frequent excuse!

"I have been working on a play."

How many times in the last 24 years has that been a response as to why something has not gotten done? Oh, dear reader...many times...

Since "Fiddler on the Roof" in the spring of 1987, I have been busy with high school productions three score times...and that line has helped explain many things from unintended silences, to almost-missing-tax-dealines, to you name it.

"I have been working on a play." That is where I have been, and starting tomorrow, I will be back again.

Just to tantalize any readers left, here are the titles of the the next four blog entries, all hopefully-completed by Sunday evening:

"Butterfly Kisses"

"She asked, gingerly..."

"The People in the Picture"

"Camping with Henry and Tom"

Everything is well, I am relaxing today after a whirlwind rehearsal schedule, and ready to go to a colleague's apartment for dinner in just a few.

We'll catch up this weekend...

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